Price Match Guarantee

Found a lower price?

At GYC, we understand that value for money is important to our customers. We strive to strike the right balance between providing best-in-class products and ensuring you get a great deal.

We want to give you the confidence that you likely won’t find our products anywhere else at a lower price. And if for some reason you do, we’ll match it.

Our price match guarantee applies to any lower price (including GST and shipping) on an item that is in-stock and available for same-day delivery or pickup from a competitor’s online or physical store in Australia.

If you find a competitor’s offer that meets this criteria, GYC will match it.

To request a price match, please call our team on (02) 9584 5885 to discuss. If your request is eligible for price matching, we will process your order over the phone.

*Excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities.