How to Mow Under and Around Trees

How to Mow Under and Around Trees

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When you have trees in your yard, it can be challenging to mow the lawn because you have to figure out how to get around them. In this post, we'll give you some tips on how to mow under and around trees so that your lawn looks great and the trees are protected.


Mow in a Clockwise Direction Around Trees

Many people believe that the only way to mow around trees is to go in a straight line, but this can actually damage the bark of the tree. Instead, it's best to mow in a clockwise direction around the tree. This will help avoid damaging the bark and will also make it easier to mow around the tree without having to turn the mower sharply. So next time you're mowing your lawn, take a few minutes to walk around the trees and mow in a clockwise direction. Your trees will thank you for it! 


Cut the Grass at a Slight Angle Away from the Tree

Mowing the lawn is a weekly ritual for many homeowners. However, mowing around trees can be tricky, as you don't want to damage the tree or leave clippings piled up against the trunk. One of the best ways to mow under and around trees is to cut the grass at a slight angle away from the tree. This will help prevent clippings from building up against the trunk and provide a clean, finished look. When mowing around the base of the tree, be sure to use a slow, steady motion to avoid damaging the roots. With a little practice, you'll be able to master the art of mowing around trees like a pro! 


Use a Mulching Blade on Your Mower

There are many benefits to using a mulching blade on your lawn mower. For one, it helps to chop up the clippings and return them to the soil. This is important in mowing under and around the tress because the clippings provide nutrients and organic matter that can help to improve the health of your lawn. Additionally, mulching helps to reduce thatch build-up, which can promote healthier grass growth. It also helps control weeds by preventing their seeds from taking root. Using a mulching blade is the right choice, if you're looking for the best way to mow under the trees. 


Hazards Associated with Mowing in Tight Spaces Around Trees

Mowing in tight spaces around trees can be tricky and dangerous. There are a few things you need to watch out for, such as rocks, branches, and other debris on the ground that can cause damage or injury if kicked up by the blades of your lawnmower. Also, be careful of low-hanging branches that could get caught in the blades and pull the mower back towards you. If you're not careful enough, you could end up damaging your mower or harming yourself. 


Raise the Cutting Height

If you have a lot of trees on your property, it can be a bit of a challenge. The key to mowing under and around the trees is to raise the cutting height of your mower so that you don't damage the roots of the trees. You also need to be careful not to hit the tree trunks with the mower blades. The best way to do this is to approach the tree from an angle, rather than straight on. And take your time – there's no need to hurry when you're mowing around trees. With a little patience and care, you'll be able to get the job done quickly and efficiently. 


Tricks and Tips for Safe Mowing Under and Around Trees

You should be aware of a few tips and tricks for safely and efficiently mowing under and around trees before attempting this task themselves. First, it is important to choose the right mower for the job. A standard push mower may not be able to maneuver easily around tree roots and trunks. Instead, consider using a riding mower or a self-propelled push mower. Second, take care to avoid damaging tree roots when mowing. Be sure to stay well clear of the root zone, and avoid driving over roots with the mower. Finally, use a grass catcher or bagger to collect leaves and debris as you mow. This will help to keep the area around the trees clean and tidy. With these tips, you can safely and efficiently mow under and around trees. 


Homeowners with a lot of trees on their property should raise the cutting height of their mower to avoid damaging the bark. It's also important to cut the grass at a slight angle away from the tree, and use a mulching blade on your mower to chop up the clippings and return them to the soil. There are some hazards associated with mowing in tight spaces around trees, such as rocks, branches, and other debris on the ground that can cause damage or injury if kicked up by the blades of your lawnmower. Be sure to visit or call any GYC store for some helpful tips on how to mow under and around trees safely and efficiently. 

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